Look what I just retrieved from our mailbox:
a box filled with polish. I just peaked at the top layer and then counted the rest and I think there must be like 60 bottles of glory. All I can say is - how fun!! Specially since the cost was less than two bottles of Dior polishes LOL. The big question now is - where do I put them? You should see my studio - it's full with quilting stuff, with botanical perfumery paraphernalia, things to make handcreme with and whatever tiniest places left, my NPs are stored in small open wooden boxes. So where to store these 48 bottles is way beyond me. I do have some wooden lidded chests from IKEA to put them
in but there is no easy resolution to
where to put the chest.....
Well, right now the even bigger question is - how on earth do I try them all out?? I feel as giddy headed as a kid in a candy store - which one to try first??? Glitter, creme, neon, pearly??? Decisions, decisions ;-P
But first - back to the sewing mating.
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