
Normally I am a bit cheap when it comes to how much to pay for a bottle of nail polish LOL. For once I feel for the temptation to buy something expensive and decided to participate in the buy that  Nailmail hosted in November with Rescue Beauty Launge polishes. I got them last week and hid them away along with the other Christmas gifts. I got a bit disappointed when I finally opened the package - the color on RBLs webshop and what they look in real life is not the same.

From left to right: Molin Rouge, Catherine, Teal, Anne and Stormy.

The same night I tested Catherine, but she refused to dry no matter what base or top polishes. So I spelt with just Nail Tek III foundation Ridgefiller and on the morning of Christmas day it was Anne's turn. I must say both are among the best polishes I have tried when it comes to painting - the brush is just right and the formula just glides on. Two layers are more than enough.

But and that is one heck of a large BUT, the staying power is lousy. Only a couple of hours after application of Anne a large chip fell of the index finger and I promise, I had not used my nails as tools or something. My quite old Nikon Coolpix 3500 might be over the hill in some aspects, but jeeeezzz - look at the closeup of the cuticle and the polish outside the nail below, even though I have attempted some clean up :-( It does look somewhat better IRL though.
This is what the left hand looked later in the day - NTW everywhere. I'm starting to wonder if there is anything strange going on with my nails or if RBL is just another hyped up nail care company?
I am going to try out one of the other RBL polishes later on, probably after dinner. Right now I need to go back to sewing these DWR blocks.


Lillasyster December 27, 2010 at 1:02 PM  

Vad betyder NTW?
Använder du under- och överlack? Fina färger iaf!

Wolfie December 27, 2010 at 4:07 PM  

Jeezz luise vad jag hatar styrplattan på min MacBook Pro, rätt som det är glider den bara iväg och allt man skrivit (eller läst) är försvunnet.

Betr NTW så kunde jag svurit att jag sett det på MUAs nailboard och att det står för Nail Tip Wear. Men nu när jag letar en förklaring hittar jag ingen alls. Suck och rodnande kinder.

Jodå jag använder både över och underlack (står i inlägget vilka) men det verkar inte hjälpa. Vette sjutton vad jag ska göra - kanske prima naglarna genom att torka av dom med sprit innan baslacket??

Den fåniga stavningen av disapointed var ett försök till att visualisera hur det låter när man uttalar ordet med betoning på OI ack ja ack ja.

Ska se om jag lyckas bestämma mig för om jag ska ta Teal eller Stormy kväll. De är ju rena krämet, så det kanske hjälper??

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Mom of two kids, two furry girls and happy owner of one DH, all resides in Sweden. Passionate about quilting and a reborn interest for decorative nails. Mamma till två söner, matte till två hundar och fru till en man. Är passionerat intresserad av quiltning och har ett pånyttfunnet intresse för snygga naglar.