last week I bough on suggestion a tiny set from Orly called Rescue Kit containing a bottle of "glue", a jar of powder (acrylic maybe?) and a tiny buffer. You use it to fix splits, cracks and such and since some of my nails are suffering from several filo pastry like tips, I thought it would be a great idea to keep them together until they have grown out.
Well, I do still think it's a great idea, but I did put it on the nails just to keep tiny flakes in check and not to grow worse. I must say that I really love the feel and look of the nails now. Until....
I went grocery shopping and the self scanning system was down and I had to put all the things on the conveyor belt and then pack them all up on the other side and all of a sudden - pain..pain and when I looked at the left pinky, the whole nice long nail ( bait over 1cm) had broken of cleanly and disappeared :-( I haven't figured out what happened, but I must have leaned of the nails while getting the wares furthest away. Since the nail beds on the pinkies are so tiny, it looks ridiculous, but dang if I'm going to chlip all nails of too make them even. To top it of, when I tried to take some pics of that misery, the camera battery went dead and is currently recharging. And when that is complete, there will not be enough daylight left...= blaaaaaahhhhh.
And my dotting tools from China seen to have gone MIA, very cheap they where but nevertheless :-(
Clean break
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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